Paul Andersen
Paul is a serial entrepreneur who has built several multi-million dollar online businesses. His most recent venture became a category-leading ecommerce brand which he exited for seven figures in 2019. Quiet Light brokered the sale.
Paul has a true passion for online businesses with especially deep experience around Amazon FBA and physical product businesses. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, Paul was a CPA and spent a decade in corporate finance. He holds an undergraduate degree in business and Masters in Accountancy from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Outside of work Paul and his wife enjoy chasing their two little kids around as well as the occasional game of pickleball.
Q&A with Paul
Did you always know that you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
Yes I did! Growing up I was that stereotypical entrepreneur kid who was always making a few extra bucks mowing lawns or flipping basketball cards. Post-college I ended up playing it safe and taking a more traditional career path but I always felt the pull of entrepreneurship. After a decade in Corporate America I took the leap and went full time on my online business. It was the best professional decision I’ve ever made.
What is the best bit of advice you’ve ever received?
When I was young my dad would often tell me “nothing in this world can take the place of persistence”. He even gave me a framed photo of that quote to put at my desk. Like a typical kid I initially tuned him out but I think those words of wisdom seeped in somewhere along the way. As entrepreneurs we face a lot of challenges. Often I’ve found the best entrepreneurs are the ones that just keep going and refuse to give up. If you keep grinding and keep solving problems it’s amazing where you can end up.
What is the greatest benefit of helping people sell their online businesses?
Interacting with incredible entrepreneurs and helping them achieve their goals after years of blood, sweat, and tears is the biggest reward of my work. Selling my business was an absolutely life-changing moment for me and my family. I can remember the feeling when we finally closed. It was a mix of happiness, relief, and bittersweet emotions knowing what I built now belonged to someone else. As an advisor it is truly awesome to help play a role in another entrepreneur’s life changing moment.
What is the #1 mistake people make when selling their website?
Not putting themselves in the shoes of a prospective buyer. Building and presenting your business in a way that is attractive to buyers sounds obvious but is so important. This means everything from clean financials to truth and candor about your business. If you can step back a bit from your business and look at it through the eyes of a buyer it can be incredibly helpful.
If you could have just one superpower, what would it be?
Teleportation. I love to travel and explore the world but could do without the long plane rides!