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How To Use Affiliate Marketing & PPC To Grow Your Acquisition
If you’ve ever wanted to expand your knowledge of affiliate marketing or guaranteed cost per acquisition advertising – you have to listen to this Ex-Google executive share his story and expertise. Mike Nunez launched Affiliate Manager with his brother John, introduced himself to a “captive” audience and changed the course and direction of his life forever.
Podcast: Affiliate Manager Crawls the Internet as “Google for Affiliates”
Mike’s company, Affiliate Manager is essentially “Google for affiliates”. They “spider” the internet for sites that monetize using affiliate and build a searchable database for clients.
Episode Highlights
- Affiliate Marketing can be summarized as online referral services.
- All affiliate advertising can and should be 100% traceable.
- The “affiliate” or “publisher” is the owner of the Facebook account, Instagram account or blogger.
- The “advertiser” is the product or service owner.
- The “network” is the platform with the affiliate or publisher list.
- Affiliate Manager is the intermediary around all three
- For the affiliate or publisher they find more advertisers.
- For the advertiser they get more affiliates.
- For the network they find more advertisers.
- Earnings Per Click defined.
- There is “power” in affiliate marketing.
- Every tweak or slight improvement brings cost per acquisition down.
- Affiliate Manager makes calls on their clients behalf.
- A good affiliate program might on have 50 bloggers in the program
- “Program” is the relationship between the advertiser (product owner) and network (i.e.
- 5-10% of affiliates in program generate the revenues.
- Affiliate Manager automates FTC compliance for clients.
- Sleep niche related product owners are “hot” right now.
- As a Google executive he learned how often advertising do it wrong.
- Every advertising account he has ever reviewed has wasted ad spend.
- Find the wasted spend, reinvest it into profitable advertising and grow total revenues.