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The Art & Science of Buying a SaaS Business
How Do You Identify a Great SaaS Acquisition?
What makes a SaaS business a great acquisition?
What metrics predict future growth opportunities?
We sat down with one of our many prolific buyers of SaaS businesses to pick his brain about what he looks for in a great SaaS acquisition. What started as a conversation turned into this downloadable guide.
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Here is What We Uncover
What to Look for When Buying a SaaS Business
If you are thinking of buying a SaaS business, how do you know if you are picking a winner? Clearly there are a lot of factors in play. We deconstruct the factors that matter from those that have little impact on the business.
What Metrics are Most Important?
Churn rate, MRR, ARR, CAC – the world of SaaS is filled with metrics that are supposed to predict value and provide insight to your potential ROI. But which ones actually help you predict value? We look at the single most important metrics when evaluating a SaaS business.
Keys to a Successful Transition
One of the riskiest moments of any acquisition is the transfer of ownership into your name. We review steps and time-tested advice to ensure a smooth and easy transition that allows you to jump into ownership immediately.
Not Just Our Opinions
This downloadable whitepaper is based on a detailed, in-depth interview with a very successful buyer of SaaS businesses. As someone who has navigated seven figure acquisitions, he provided much of the insight that we use in this guide.