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Ex-Fireman Turned eCommerce Visionary
Tim Jordan is a serial entrepreneur and the Co-founder of the Private Label Legion, a community for e-commerce entrepreneurs looking to maximize their potential and grow their brands. He is also the Host of the AM/PM Podcast, where he speaks with like-minded individuals and entrepreneurs about e-commerce tools and tips. Tim is an ex-firefighter and served his city for 10 years before leaving to enter the e-commerce industry.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- [02:44] Tim Jordan explains how he is providing value to e-commerce entrepreneurs and businesses
- [05:29] Tim’s experience becoming a firefighter and the benefits of emotional intelligence to advance in your career
- [11:54] How Tim began selling on Amazon and brand-building through content
- [16:35] Why outsourcing is an important tool for an entrepreneur
- [20:21] Tim talks about consulting with brands on the key components of e-commerce
- [27:02] Why networking and knowledge-sharing are crucial for an entrepreneur’s success
- [33:22] Tim shares his thoughts on the growth and stability of e-commerce
- [45:20] The current opportunities in the e-commerce space
- [49:03] Tim details why you should stop selling solely on Amazon
In this episode…
Are you struggling to grow your profits and feel like you’re treading water in the e-commerce space? If so, Tim Jordan has some advice for you.
Building a brand is like building a well-oiled machine: it takes different parts to work successfully. Tim says that there is an opportunity in the e-commerce space for many different talents — you just need to stick with what you’re good at and outsource or partner for the rest. How? Tim recommends you network and knowledge-share with other entrepreneurs to grow and continuously evolve your brand. So, how can you start applying these effective strategies to your business?
In this episode of the Quiet Light Podcast, Joe Valley sits down with ex-firefighter and Co-founder of Private Label Legion, Tim Jordan, to discuss growing and scaling e-commerce businesses, big and small, and reaching your potential as an entrepreneur. Tim talks about using emotional intelligence to build your brand, outsourcing as an effective business tool, and why networking is crucial for the success of an entrepreneur.
Resources Mentioned in this episode
- AM/PM Podcast
- Private Label Legion
- Private Label Legion on Facebook
- The Mexico Trip
- Quiet Light
- Quiet Light on YouTube
- Joe Valley
- Mark Daoust
- Quiet Light Podcast email: [email protected]
- The EXITpreneur’s Playbook: How to Sell Your Online Business for Top Dollar by Reverse Engineering Your Pathway to Success by Joe Valley
- “Codie Sanchez Talks About ‘Boring Businesses’ and Gaining 1.5M Followers in 24 Months” on the Quiet Light Podcast
- “How to Handle Any Problem on Amazon with Steven Pope” on the Quiet Light Podcast
- Norman Farrar on LinkedIn
- Manny Coats on LinkedIn
- Amy Wees on LinkedIn
- “War Dogs” on IMDB
- Helium 10
- MultiplyMii
- The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea by Bob Burg and John David Mann
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Episode Transcript
Intro 0:07
Hi folks. It’s the Quiet Light Podcast where we share relentlessly honest insights, actionable tips, and entrepreneurial stories that will help founders identify and reach their goals
Joe Valley 0:29
Hey folks, Joe Valley here welcome back to another episode of the Quiet Light Podcast. Before we go into our special guests today, I want to give a shout out to Codie Sanchez. And thank her for him for coming on our podcast and allowing me to present our mastermind Codie has amassed like 2 million social media followers in the last couple of years and it’s all about buying boring businesses so a good shout out to Codie. If you’re interested in something like that go to or One or the other. You’ll find it go to Codie Sanchez. I don’t even know the right name of it. Tim is smiling in the background. Is it thinking or think I’m not sure? Codie’s awesome either way. Our guest today is somebody that most people in the e-commerce space probably know a guy named Tim Jordan. He does. So many damn different things. I’m not even sure how to introduce him. So I’m just going to bring you on my friend. And we’ll talk about what you do. Welcome to the Quiet Light Podcast, Tim.
Tim Jordan 1:30
Thanks for having me. That’s terrifying. This many people know who I am.
Joe Valley 1:34
Yeah, yeah. They know where you live. They know your wife and kids names too. That is kind of frightening.
Tim Jordan 1:39
That’s weird. Well, I say that kind of in jest, but also serious. Because if I’m that well known, then it makes me wonder if this industry is that hungry for yourself. I hate the term tallest midget. But sometimes it fits like am I just the tallest? midget? I’m not sure.
Joe Valley 1:57
I just had a, I just had a conversation with somebody earlier today. Steven Pope from my Amazon Guy, he knows what we’re talking about something not quite related to podcasting, you might know you just Joe Listen, I want you to know that when I was on your podcast, we had 11 new clients side up in the 30 days following. And that kind of blew me away, because we are definitely, you know, a tiny little podcast. And so the fact that we have that kind of influence, it kind of blows me away, in the same way that. Boy, there’s people that are much smarter, bigger and more experienced than you and I combined. But we’re still having some impact on people’s lives. So Good on you for doing that. Why are you so popular? Why did people like you so much, Tim? Well, I
Tim Jordan 2:44
don’t know that people actually like me, I think, for punishment, and I say yes to everything. That’s the problem. They listen to you though, it can be a problem. And I think that one reason people listen to me is I never have a sale, I never have a pitch. I’m never trying to sell something. And for a long time, I thought that was a weakness of mine. And I’ve had people recently helped me understand that it’s not necessarily weakness, I recently read a book called The Go Giver. And the Go Giver is a book that basically identifies some of the most successful people in the world that weren’t pitching something, they weren’t looking for immediate monetization on something that they were doing, they were just trying to give. Now, I will say that that’s not me patting myself on the back, because that was never my plan. My plan was not to give my plan was to, or not to give to create some special value. My plan was to give because I felt like I was playing in a sandbox that I didn’t deserve to be playing in, which is entrepreneurial e-commerce world. And I had to give up a lot to be allowed to play in the sandbox, right? Like I shouldn’t be here. But if I can provide some value and provide some value to other people, to businesses, to whoever’s in the space, and like, maybe I can hear something and learn something from my own business. So it all really started my whole ecommerce journey by just trying to get involved with the community and offer as much as I could to get something in return, whether it’s value, wisdom, relationships, whatever it is. And it just kind of spawned into this thing of like, hey, Tim’s kind of a No BS guy. And he’s learned a lot like, let’s kind of listen to his crazy, weird opinions.
Joe Valley 4:21
Well, the more conversations you have, the more your business grows, but not immediately. That’s the thing, right? It does take time, it comes back to eventually I still have things come up on that pipeline from, you know, conversations that I had five or six years ago. In fact, that happened last week. And it was actually a conversation with a buyer. Right, and now they want to do something else and kind of have an offshoot of Quiet Light. So the value, we measure our success and the number of conversations we have more than anything else, because that leads to the ultimate goal of growing our business. But let’s let’s talk about what the hell you did before e-commerce and what you really do e-commerce now, because it’s still a bit of a mystery because I see you all over social media. You’re You’re always giving a presentation. You’re always somewhere in the world. You’re in lots of social media stuff with Norm, the beard guy now known for our, but where did you start? I think you said it was, you know, as a firefighter, is that right?
Tim Jordan 5:17
Yeah. And if I walk through this whole history, you’re gonna be the first one that I publicly talk about what it is I actually do in this space. So prepare yourself, if you’re comfortable with that. I want to hear Hey, we’ll, we’ll we’ll jump in there. But yeah, I started off as a typical smart kid that was lazy. Terrible student college didn’t know what I wanted to be in life. And I worked actually as a volunteer firefighter in college. And I did it because I worked for a little town that would pay the volunteers per call. So basically, they had to incentivize people to sign up and respond to these calls. And I worked in a small college town. And it was a complete hustlers complete racket because we would get paid $50 For every call that we responded to, which is very few. They sent us to the Volunteer Fire Academy, which isn’t like a real fire academy for any volunteers out there listening. I’m sorry, it’s not the real thing. But we went and did that one summer, had some fun hung out with some buddies. And then we would get all of our girlfriends in college to burn popcorn in their dorm rooms. Right. So
Joe Valley 6:14
I was already thinking, Did you guys have fire? Oh,
Tim Jordan 6:18
do we want to set fires, but we would get the fire alarms to go off. And we figured out in certain certain dorms. If you turn the water on really, really hot and walk away for long enough the steam would set the alarms off. And of course, everybody responds and we get paid our 50 bucks, right. And it was fun. It was kind of adventure. We did do some firefighting and things like that. But when I left there, I never thought I’d do it again. I moved down to North Alabama and was working a regular business job. And every time a fire truck would drive by, I felt like a little kid just watching after I wanted to be on it. So I went that career path I applied for the fire department here in Huntsville, Alabama with 2500 other applicants, and they only hired 25 of us. I got on my first round. So I became a firefighter EMT. I eventually got into
Joe Valley 6:59
Let me ask well, yes. Why though? Why? You out of 2500 that were there? Were there personal interviews, one on one conversations there
Tim Jordan 7:08
was listen, when you have 2500 people, it’s a ridiculous grueling task. We had to do psychological examinations, we had to do ridiculous background checks. We had to do physical, like physical fitness tests that are some of those grueling you’ve ever seen. And you look, I’m not a picture of physical health. But out of they dwindled down to about 400 of us that took the physical tests, and I was the second fastest to finish, nearly die doing it. But it was mental. It was like, I’m going to do this, then we had to go through rounds of interviews. And basically, I think that I was able to convince the interviewer board that like, this was serious, right? I didn’t just go in and give them the final answers. I just spoke my mind game to what I thought to be the truth at the time. And I was the only person in my class of 25 that got hired my first time around the other 24 guys that were in my hiring class, they tried for two or three years or one guy for 11 years to get hired on. So, man, I have no idea. I just got lucky.
Joe Valley 8:06
I don’t know if you just got lucky, I had the feeling it was combination of the person or people on the other side. I mean, you obviously you had to qualify, right, you had to pass the physical and mental and psychological tests and all of that. But then in the hiring process,
Tim Jordan 8:20
it was I’m sure I crushed the interview, I sat down exactly what it is. Yep, it was absolutely. Like it was absolutely 100% being able to read the room, explained to them what they wanted to hear in a way that was equitable and honest. And that got me the job. I’m sure that it was the emotional intelligence.
Joe Valley 8:39
Yes, very much. So I talked to my kids about that all the time. It’s the EQ that’s gonna get you where you want to be in life. Because, you know, I, like you. I didn’t do great in high school, I didn’t do great in college. I didn’t have a real job, Tim until I was 29 years old, a real job meaning something that lasted longer than five or six months. So I hear you it’s the EQ aspect of it you, the people on the other side that were interviewing me thinking, Can I have a beer with this guy? Can I hang out night after night after night with this guy? Because that’s what it’s going to be? Can I can I trust my life to him as well. So good for you. Good for you. But you left that all and now you’re in the e-commerce world. You’ve been in the e-commerce world for how many years now?
Tim Jordan 9:21
Well, actually, I was in the e-commerce world before I left it. I’ll leave you a teaser soon on time for it. But I had some other businesses that I started as firefighters on ours, our shift schedules, we work 24 hours on and then we were off for 48. So essentially, we work two days a week. I’d come in on Monday, and I’ll be off Tuesday and Wednesday. And I’m back on Thursday and on Friday and Saturday. And we had a lot of time off. So we all had part time jobs and I built up a hardscape company, a company that did construction for outdoor hardscapes. We did everything from outdoor kitchens to rock fireplaces to commercial retaining walls. So my part time job at one point I had about 45 employees and it was a disaster. We were making crazy sales. And I never made a dime off of it. In fact, when I finally after like six years gave up that company, I sold every bit of the equipment I had and barely paid off the loans for all the equipment loans I had and never paid myself a dime. It was brutal. But I learned
Joe Valley 10:13
a lot about rail. Yes, great, great lessons there. Right. You don’t you can’t really achieve your highest success by being successful all the time. I don’t think that’s right. I got a screw up a few times. Yeah.
Tim Jordan 10:25
So have you seen the movie War Dogs, the movie with Jonah Hill and that other guy that are selling guns to the US government? Yes. Well, that was me. I wasn’t selling weapons. But I was selling other things to the State Department. Right. So not not the military, but everything else.
Joe Valley 10:40
Okay, so you, you fabricated a war, right? Isn’t that
Tim Jordan 10:46
basically, the State Department would use small contracting companies and small procurement companies to source anything and everything they needed for consulates embassies, or like the air bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. So this is about 2012. I start this and I’m learning how to buy Russian dump truck tires and ship into Afghanistan. I’m buying diesel generators from the UK and having them shipped to Iraq. And things got really, really crazy there. I could tell some stories about that. I ended up CO founding a company in Kenya, where we open up a company in Kenya with some local business owners there, where we were buying Caterpillar construction machinery in the US, painting it, polishing it, fixing it up and shipping it to Kenya. And when you ship a 90,000 pound bulldozer from Huntsville, Alabama, to Nairobi, Kenya, that’s an experience. But working with that procurement company, and then the company in Africa, I started getting exposed to global supply chain. And I started doing crazy things like flying to China without a visa my very first time. So I didn’t know I needed a visa to figure out how to buy construction equipment. They’re talking my way into the country illegally, and buying equipment. And that company sells parts on thing led to this idea of I have access to a lot of products I can sell online. So I started selling actually put a Craigslist ad out and I said I need someone to teach me how to sell on eBay. I didn’t know you could sell on Amazon Guy comes in. He says you can sell on Amazon, he started teaching me how to do it started selling a lot like our first year we had like 2.7 million in sales, but mostly wholesale well year is. This is like 2016. This is profitable, very profitable. And then we quickly got into private label and I said I want to build my own brands. And I had all my contacts in China started doing well there. I opened up a sourcing and shipping company called Hickory Flats. Some people recognize that name. So this is again about 2017. And we had an entire office and operation in Shanghai. We had three Pio warehouses and importing operations here in the US we are a non vos NVOCC shipping company, a license shipping company. We eventually opened up an office in Guatemala as a sourcing company. We worked with local artisans to produce Fair Wage Fair Trade products for e-commerce sellers, including some my own brands. I exited that company in 2019. But what I basically sold it, but what I found out was that to market that I had to do content, and I’m actually better at content than I am sourcing and shipping and warehousing. So I really didn’t have a game plan except selling own brands coming into 2018 2019. And people started hitting me up for content collaborations. So like Manny Coates, who is the founder of Helium 10 brought me in to do a project and I wrote the script for and kind of ideated the Project X case study, which I think is the largest case study in e-commerce history. That is Helium 10 eventually took over his podcast, the AM/PM Podcast and just started doing a ton of content for people because
Joe Valley 13:37
is your content, all the written word? Did you find the spoken word translated into the written word or videos? Like when you say I’m better with this videos?
Tim Jordan 13:47
Yeah, I’m better with videos. Now. Content is more education. And I can speak something to you and that someone trained for that underwriting, or I can sit down with other content creators and help them strategize. Like not how to produce the videos. But what is the framework? Like if we’re going to teach somebody to start a business? What are the 48 steps they need to take and be aware of right? And it’s no hype. It’s no get rich quick schemes. It’s all like, legitimate, this is really hard. But if you do it the right time, or the right way, you know, you only cry the first time, right? It’s hard, but you can do it. So those things that in 2018 2019 weren’t very popular to hear. I was talking about those. And now people realize that a lot of the scammy crap out there was scammy crap. And they’re going oh, well, like here’s legitimate content. So for a couple of years there, I was having a hard time figuring out how I was going to monetize that. And I honestly wasn’t worried about it. I started a small coaching program. I started free content that we labeled Private Label Legion, his online community, but the majority of our money I was making was just selling brands online. And the reason I was doing this content was I was learning. Right? So if I put myself on camera with someone really smart, I would learn something. If I went to a conference and spoke on stage somewhere, I would get to be at that conference I get to learn from 20 people smarter than me and I’d sit in the back of an Uber learn from someone, you know, some piece of wisdom that I needed. So I was doing this to grow my own businesses, my own brands, by basically trading content and time. So we talked earlier about like giving value to get value. And I was doing all of this stuff for free. I was doing all this content and put me in the circles of people that I had no business being with people that are way smarter and more successful than me. And I kind of got drugged along. Now. About 2019. I was so 2019 I flew 250 to 260,000 miles, not a word miles actual miles, these events that I want to speak at. These are like, meetings I went to these are consulting things that I was involved with, it was a lot of flying.
Joe Valley 15:42
I think that’s when I saw you last that one of the billion dollar summits down there. Can I Can I just I want to interject with how do you do that? And manage the businesses that you’re operating? And also, you know, be the family man that you are? Or did you not have children at that point? I think I’ve seen pictures of
Tim Jordan 16:03
Yeah, so I’ve got a five, seven, a nine year old, so three kids and a wife that works full time and she was going to school full time she decided to get her 15 degree, it seems like she just graduated as a nurse practitioner now. And I will say that to answer your question, How did I do all that? I’ll say I didn’t do it. Well, I made a lot of mistakes. So not all of my business ventures were good. There were a lot of things I put on the backburner they shouldn’t have, there was a lot of stress with the family sometimes because I was traveling too much. And I wasn’t learning how to balance my time and have quality time when I was at home. And I’m still learning all of these things. So I will say not Well, what I did learn to do was identify what I’m exceptionally good at, stick with those things and outsource the rest, which I’m terrible at delegating that again,
Joe Valley 16:43
repeat that again, because I think this is where most people fail, is that they don’t they don’t learn what you just learned or figure out
Tim Jordan 16:51
what’s your magical and outsource the rest. Exactly figure out how to push it off. I am so disorganized. I’m looking down at the bottom of my task manager here on my Windows screen. I see 48 slack messages. I see 1700 Odd emails, I see 32 notifications in And I’m not going to look at them. I’m not even gonna open them up. I was talking to my team, my physical in Office team this morning. And I said guys, remember, I’m not opening that up. But I have virtual assistants or EAS that read all of those and send it to me on WhatsApp. So if you don’t send it to me on WhatsApp, I’m not going to see it. And I’ll answer and that can answer for me. Like I figured out if I just admit that I suck at so many things, which all of us solopreneurs and entrepreneurs we suck at a lot of things. But if we figure out what we suck at and figure out how to outsource those or avoid those, or just let those things go and figure out where magic at, then we’re going to be pretty successful.
Joe Valley 17:44
I kind of like the way you’re the way you’re saying it in terms of figuring out what we’re what you’re magical about. I’ve always said Be sure not to promote yourself to your own level of incompetence. Because when you do and you’re going to be unhappy with what you’re operating and your business is eventually going to decline and then you’re going to be left with something that’s less valuable. Similar similar, you’re you know that you’re incompetent at responding to 1700 emails because it takes up way too much time. And if you’re not good at writing email, so you’re
Tim Jordan 18:12
not great at writing emails, but I’m a terrible procrastinator. So I say I know exactly what’s right here. I’ll get to it tomorrow. And four months later, I still haven’t responded to it.
Joe Valley 18:21
How many VAs Do you have? And are they are they Filipina VAs were they like through your salary?
Tim Jordan 18:28
I’ll get on my high horse for a second say I actually hate the term VA. I think I’m as team members. I feel like sometimes we label individuals that live offshore as virtual assistants, which is less than a team member. I use VA because everybody knows what that means. But I have project based virtual assistants I have personal executive assistants across the multiple companies I’m involved with probably 15. And they range from the Philippines to Venezuela to Chile, to Central America. kind of all over the place in probably soon Eastern Europe. hedge fund manager just talking a lot of people and trying a lot of things online was a disaster. But if you go through multiply me I love the guys that multiply me and you pay an arm and a leg and you get one person that’s really good. You can’t live without him. Or use an agency in Mexico that matches you with people in Venezuela and you find a good one and they have friends in the different industries and you know, it’s just all word of mouth now. I don’t think there’s one tried and true way of finding the perfect offshore employee.
Joe Valley 19:29
Okay, so you figured out what your magical ad and that is creating content? Yes. Nope.
Tim Jordan 19:36
Not even that. All right. What is? I am? I am, oh gosh, this sounds so conceited to say I won’t say magical but what I have found to be the best act is being a big picture visionary and understanding the viewpoint from a lot of different angles. So the way I figured this and that’s why I was actually good at content was because I understood the tool and also understood from the eyes of a seller how to use Have these two from the eyes of a factory owner that’s producing a product for an Amazon seller and from the eyes of an Amazon seller? How do you meet the middle so I could create content that was like equitable, both. And I can understand point of views that were kind of all encompassing, right. So my ability to be an exceptional visionary is what made me decent at content. So 2018, I was at a show, and there was a CEO of a company ping pong, right? You’ve heard of ping pong, the FinTech company. And they had just launched the huge Chinese company just launched in the US. And I’m talking to the CEO, and she takes me to steak dinner and talked my ear off for like three hours, actually, she asked questions, I talked her off for three hours, just my opinion about the industry about the space, what’s going on, and what it’s like to be an Amazon seller. And for a number of months, she would call me occasionally say, I have an idea. And it’s been an hour or two hours on the phone with her. Man, I beat her up everything you’re doing wrong. She asked me if I’d be an affiliate. I said, I’m a terrible affiliate. She said, Can my affiliate manager call you and it wasn’t sure. And I talked to this guy that told me your affiliate programs, the worst, even if I like being an affiliate I’d never sign up for and here’s why. And my point, you know, I said it respectfully, but I was trying to be helpful. And eventually she says, Tim, like, your ideas are actually pretty good. And like you’re helping us understand things we’ve never understood to be the case, because we’re a Chinese FinTech company trying to move to the US and none of us are online sellers. And none of us are American, the leadership thing. Yeah. She said, Can I hire as a consultant? I said, consultant, what does that mean, you’ll pay me for this free advice I’m giving you she said yes. And she offered me an a consulting contract with that single number. And I told her, I said, I will not work a schedule, you can call me when I have free time, the number she gave me to not have a schedule will not be required to do anything was higher per year than my entire full time firefighter salary was that I’d walked away from 12 months before Holy crap, this isn’t gonna last long, they’re gonna figure out I’m an idiot, but I’m gonna milk us for everything it’s worth while I’m there. And I got to start seeing the other side of e-commerce because e-commerce isn’t just the product. In fact, the product is the byproduct of what e-commerce is, the product is just the output, e-commerce is entrepreneurial drive, mixed with a market of people that want to buy mixed with the facilitators of all of those. So Amazon isn’t e-commerce, Amazon is the connection between the people that want to buy the product, and the entrepreneurs and the brand holders. And even the big brands that make that work mixed with the other facilitating components, which is places where you can advertise or launch methods, or all of these different omni channel things, right. So like, the product is just the last piece everything else is what has to happen. And that’s what e-commerce is. So by getting involved in like, this position that I had no business being in looking behind the scenes, and under the hood of a financial technology company, that’s a global company, like I started learning, okay, here’s something unique that they can offer to facilitate this other side. Right? They can they can use this to facilitate something that understand that so I started creating new product for them and new marketing for them. And then I figured out well if this person partners with this person, right, so this FinTech company, parses this software company, they can create something unique to facilitate this even more, and everybody wins. So I was able to set up some industry leading partnerships that most people probably will never hear about, except for other industry insiders that went holy crap, how did that happen? Like who was involved in that, and they’re like this Redneck from Alabama, Tim, who sells some cigar accessories on Amazon and like, does cheesy YouTube videos, like he figured out how to make that happen. And when I go back and look at it, it wasn’t just that I had this visionary idea of how to put all these together, I had to have an understanding of the components. And I had to understand how everybody received value by forming a partnership. And then I could sit in the middle, and I could negotiate on everybody’s behalf and say, I know this is what you want, but they’re not going to give it to you because it’s terrible for them. But if you will add this to this, and they’ll add to this. And I created some big partnerships. So some of the other components of those partnerships that I was forming. And these are partnerships, like you see in the space of, hey, let’s do a partnership, a blog, blog exchange, like I’m talking about real deep partnership, some of the other stakeholders would come to me and say, Hey, we didn’t know your consultant, but we saw what you did, can you come work for us? That’s a no, it’s a conflict. And they come back to me a month later said, Well, we talked to the CEO of ping pong, and she doesn’t care. Can we offer you x? And I’d say, Well, you’re not gonna like it. But if you charge me, or if you pay me x a month, and you don’t give me a required number of hourly meetings, and you don’t make me do certain things, you just kind of let me go wild. And they said, Sure. So I started picking up more consultancy, so it’s been wild, because most people don’t see what happens on the Mac. And a lot of the companies I don’t even disclose that I work with. Now I will disclose to my other consulting clients that hey, if you want to work with me, by the way, I do work with this person this and then I don’t think there’s a conflict but you need to know in some of them that are publicly like PickFu you know, pig foods, a great company, and they came to me two years ago and said, Whoa, holy crap, we saw what you did like, what do you think of pig food? I said, I love pig food. And if I had some ideas of how you can expand this, like, let’s break installment I said, well, we’d love to pay you just a small retainer a month to just keep us top of mind. And for two years, they haven’t fired me. So I guess there’s positive ROI, right? Even though it’s not true employment, I made some mistakes, like getting involved in org charts. So sellers funding is one I publicly worked with. And I was a consultant for them for a long time. And they wanted me to come on board. And I said, Well, you can make me an executive, right? Like me, a chief growth officer. And I built out basically a framework for partnerships, affiliates, events, kind of got into some of the branding stuff. And I was the worst employee ever, I spent 18 months there as a C level employee, which is cool, because I learned a ton went from like 30 employees to 200. And, you know, basically got to that series, a round that they raised. And I learned a lot, but I realized I’m a terrible employee. So I stepped down from that. And I continue on as a consultant with them helping just their team touch them. So what’s interesting is, the more that I do in that space of consulting, the more people want me to be involved with them. And I’ve worked or worked with logistics, FinTech, digital marketing, a lot of software components that I get to have my hands in. And it’s like, I’m just stuck in this flywheel of the more I learn, the more I can make pieces come together. So probably 70, or 80%, of what I do now is business development, consulting. And largely helping them understand helping the service providers to understand how do you take what you have, and actually make it work for the sellers. And then educating sellers of like, this is what’s actually available in the space. This is why it’s so exciting. Like, here’s what you should focus on, get rid of shiny object syndrome, like this is what this big world looks like. So the world of acquisitions, you know, like you’re involved with Quiet Light, like you have this piece of understanding of the world, right and like, the power of the acquisition landscape in e-commerce and what that means not only for the acquirers, but also the brands that are selling and like you understand that. So by working with, you know, maybe someone in the acquisition space, I pick up a little bit of knowledge. So all not to say I have some amazing skill or I have some amazing, you know, ability to decipher information. But what I realized is the same way that e-commerce ecommerce changed my life, because I opened up myself to learn, right, like I’m not a genius, ecommerce seller, but the way that I really got started in communities, I went to my first conference, it was at the Orlando Gaylord hotel Convention Center. And there’s a small Facebook group for the for the group, or for the conference attendees small Facebook group, and I didn’t know a soul there. The first night I landed, got to my hotel checked in, and I posted another group I said, Hey, I’m new here. I don’t know anybody the first 10 people that respond to this, I’ll buy you a steak dinner tonight, the onsite Steakhouse, instantly, 10 people responded, I thought, I don’t know if this is crazy or stupid or what. But I want us out of this table with nine other there’s 10 strangers or 11 of us. Some of those folks, I’m still best friends with some of those folks I shook hands with once and I never met him again. But the people that I built a relationship with that steak dinner helped me to understand the things I needed to to scale my business. And I’ve kept that philosophy ever since is like, if I give and give and give and just put myself around this stuff, I can be successful. So whether it was being an e-commerce seller, and just going to conferences, or giving away free content to get involved with people, or even what I do now with a consulting, what I realized is the power of e-commerce is us. It’s networking, it’s meeting together, it’s meeting in the middle, it’s figuring out and learning from each other. I know two very well known PPC companies in the space, that on the surface look like their competitors. Deep down behind the scenes, they’re best friends, one of them shares all of their SOPs with the other company, like their internal SOPs. And they figured out like, hey, if we work together, we all build this thing bigger. It’s not about grabbing a bigger piece of the same pizza. It’s about building a bigger dang pizza. Right? So I get excited whether it’s consulting or selling my brands, because I figured out and I want everybody else to this to like, the more you just embed yourself in the, in the community and think of this is a big, like a big giant galaxy that we’re all getting swept up in. And the more you give, the more you receive. So the consulting thing again, happened by accident, right? It was just, hey, I’m giving for free I’m trying to learn. So if I give a little bit, I get a lot, and then got swept up in this crazy thing. And now I’m excited because I feel like I can see, I can see a big picture of what’s happening. And it’s changing the world forever.
Joe Valley 29:17
And I want to talk about that. But first I want to say to all of the introverts that are out there, they go to conferences, and want to stay in your hotel room or see a group of people talking. And you’re like, Oh, they’re already best friends. I can’t just go say hello. You’re dead wrong. And you can just offer up you know, a steak dinner for 10 people. I think that’s a brilliant way to do it, Tim and you’re not, and you’re not an introvert but
Tim Jordan 29:40
no, I absolutely am. You are a massive introvert. So kidding. Everybody. Everybody has introvert and extrovert mixed up and it took me a long time to learn this. I’m an extroverted introvert. Now introvert doesn’t mean you’re shy. an extrovert means you’re outgoing. It talks about the energy that’s required. So some things receive energy by being outgoing. I can be outgoing, but it sucks the life out of me after prosper, I had to come home and sleep for three days. So I can be outgoing, but it sucks my energy way. But even people that are shy, even people that don’t want to get involved in stuff, what’s crazy about the e-commerce world is there are small masterminds. There are Facebook groups, so you don’t have to talk to a single person, but jump in a Facebook group, a free Facebook group, and start giving your knowledge. Right, if somebody asks a question and answer to answer it, you can start building community hide behind your laptop screen, like this crazy world of e-commerce is so diverse and so unique, that you can be involved in the community without ever having to step foot outside of your comfort zone. I think it’s totally great, you step out of your comfort, but it’s like it’s a unique space, either. Yeah,
Joe Valley 30:38
you think you do have to step outside your comfort zone. Since we’ve just gone through, you know, 24 months of the pandemic, events are just starting to open up. And as much as I don’t enjoy preparing for them, especially if I’m speaking it’s takes a lot of work as you know. There’s such value in meeting people face to face over zoom or over virtual events. So I think the in person events, if you can get there, then think get there.
Tim Jordan 31:09
I was at an event last week in LA NYC stood on stage and I was talking to I don’t know how many people it was. I said the mouse, the most valuable things that I’ve ever learned at conferences weren’t from sitting in the crowd listening to someone on stage, it was the Uber ride with two strangers going to a restaurant. Yeah, where it was sitting in a lobby and talking to a stranger. And having that personal communication or the hand that I shook an elevator because we were both wearing the same badge. And we talked in the hall for 12 minutes. And later on, we connected on LinkedIn and become best friends for three years. Yep. Right. Like, that’s the value. So in person events are absolutely important. But if you can’t get to those, you don’t want to get to those, you’re not comfortable that it’s not an excuse, because there’s still so many other ways you can connect with people. And I believe that we as entrepreneurs, like I said, we suck at so many things, that if we don’t surround ourselves with some sort of support system, or mentorship, or just peers, just friends, like we miss a lot of big opportunities.
Joe Valley 32:05
100% agree with that 100%, the last ecommerce business that I saw, which was 2010, it was me, and my website developer, and all we did was fine. He wanted me to spend more money, I didn’t want to spend any more money. And I didn’t have a network. I launched it in 2005 sold in 2010. I didn’t have a network, there weren’t mastermind groups, back then, or at least that I knew of. And it was a very lonely, frustrating world. So I think today’s world is 1000 times better. And people are always asking me what I think, you know, the next 612 1824 months, what’s the future of, you know, ecommerce in the m&a world, everybody’s worried about, oh, we’re going to have another crash and how it’s going to impact valuations and things of that nature. I still think we’re at the very, very tip of the iceberg in this world that we live in. You know, you said, before I hit the record button, you’re kind of in the belief that, you know, we’ve changed things we as in the e-commerce folks, from the way history has been, what do you think? What do you think the future holds for this world that we’re now sort of creating and dipping our toes into?
Tim Jordan 33:14
I think that it depends on if you look short term or long term. Alright, now, long term, I’ll say this, it’s exceptionally exciting what I was saying before you record it, it’s like, Commerce has been done the same way for 1000s of years. People make something they acquire something, they sell it locally, they sell it in their village or their store or their city, whatever. You know, it got a little bit better, you know, over the past couple 100 years with global trade, but still, once you got your hands on something you sold locally, it has only been in the last 10 to 15 years, where anybody with anything can sell to anybody anywhere in the world with the device. Yeah, right. And only like the past five years has that become really tangible. So you didn’t 1000s of years versus five years. And it’ll never go back to saying, like, we the pioneers of e-commerce, the stay at home moms that figured out how to sell on Etsy, combined with this, this guy that didn’t know how to create any software code. Now he has this tool that facilitates it to these. I don’t know investment funds that want to start investing in e-commerce businesses like all of this is happening right now. And we as little bitty components in this big grand world of e-commerce are literally changing commerce forever, which is really exciting. Now, you can’t make that big adjustment without some pain. But things are changing fast, short term. If you ask me to like, look into my crystal ball and talk about e-commerce. I think there’s going to be a lot of successes and a lot of failures, a lot of pain points. And I think those failures are just part of being successful. I use the example all the time of a baby learning to walk. The baby doesn’t just stand up and walk. Right it tries to sit up and it falls and it tries to sit up it falls tries to sort of falls in a stands up and fall stands up falls takes a step falls Texas that fall. And if you’re not going through that falling stage, you’re never gonna get to where you can run. And ecommerce is going through some of those things right now whether it’s figuring out that FBA was not 100% reliable for Everybody’s supply chain solution COVID hit and we went crap. Now what do we do? Right? The warehouses are full. If we look at even selling styles, you know what worked in 2016. I call it the Jungle Scout method, see what everybody else is selling? Well try to get a piece of it. Like we have to go through the growing pains to figure out that doesn’t work anymore. Like you have to actually gauge competition, you have to find something people want that they’re not being sold, we have to figure out how to look from one platform to another, figure out how to focus on Pinterest and figure out what’s important there and be the first one to launch this brand on Amazon, which is scary, because if we’re the first person launch that product, do we know people actually want it, you have to learn how to do search volume discovery, right? We have to figure out that the solution is not always let’s just sell in all the countries and all the marketplaces, we have to figure out exactly how to do that. We have to figure out that it’s not just about revenue, it’s about profitability. We have figured out it’s not just throwing up some cheesy thing on Amazon, and hacking the entire system with keyword stuff titles, we have to figure out that if somebody actually wants to acquire this brand from us later, and we want to sell this brand, there has to be stability. There has to be an actual brand there. But we also have to realize that not every ecommerce journey starts with building your brand before the product like there are a lot of things that are having to be learned. And we also see I’m gonna say something that’s unpopular, Joe, because I know you work in the acquisition world, a lot of what you do successfully is you match brands with potential acquirers, right and those acquirers lately, the majority have been the aggregators, right? Not with us, not with why okay,
Joe Valley 36:26
that 30% of our transactions in 2021 were aggregators.
Tim Jordan 36:30
Were aggregators walk, yeah. In general, about like your type of industry. Everybody got excited about the data. And I remember when the aggregators came out, like Thrassio, they were pitching the line of like, your business wasn’t worth anything. And now it is, right. And I hated that. I hated that so much, because
Joe Valley 36:45
I was just rolling my eyes. I wasn’t on camera at the moment. But more than that,
Tim Jordan 36:50
but yeah, I was very fearful of this because I saw the aggregators making a ton of mistakes. Like 1218 months ago, I said, there’s going to be some problems here, because a lot of these acquirers are acquiring things that are junk, and stuff that looks good on paper, but it’s not actually. So there’s gonna be a little bit of slowdown there, right, there’s going to be a little hiccup. But if we look at the next four or five years, and we get through these hiccups, and we get through these little pain points, it’s massively exciting. And I say that because the world is looking now. Yeah, don’t just mean that from the point of like big headlines of big valuations and big brand sales not only remember, it’s not just about brands, it’s service providers too. If you look at PPC agencies that are being sold for massive valuation, absolute small brands that are selling it’s a software companies that are now in receiving ridiculous funding from legitimate tech VC funds. Like it’s all a really really cool stuff. And not only is it just like the aggregators are looking it’s big brands you know, when peloton looks at a yoga mat brand on Amazon and takes it seriously and makes that acquisition like that lifts the ceiling for all of us like it no questions, the dynamics of everything,
Joe Valley 38:00
no question. You know, they’re what they’ve done what the aggregators have done in the last five years, just sort of opening the curtain to the fact that these businesses have value can be sold for value and create a competition so the values have risen as well. Exactly that along with people like yourself, who have matured in the industry, and are running legitimate businesses and legitimate brands
Tim Jordan 38:27
and help matured but that doesn’t mean I am mature, right? Like it does put a differentiate I am maturing, but I still wouldn’t
Joe Valley 38:35
you you’ve you’ve got you know what it was back in 2012. When I started at Quiet Light, I sold my business late 2010 took a year off and then joined the team in April 2012 The average transaction size was $125,000 some of them were as little as $5,000 but a lot of them were content sites that were being flipped at the time
Tim Jordan 39:01
I was buying content sites back then from Flippa and places like that
Joe Valley 39:05
yeah, and we were selling them we were selling them I love I miss content sites we don’t have the majority of our of our transactions are now ecommerce related. What if anybody’s got a content site? We’d love content sites reach out to us we think there’s so much value in them. Buyers loves them as well. But back then even go back five years ago the business is just weren’t as as good as they are today. You know, and and the aggregators opened people’s eyes to the value of FBA businesses. In 2016. I went to an event e-commerce fuel. It was in Savannah, Georgia. So I drove from North Carolina, and I was so excited I had a little booklet called 10 steps to selling your Amazon business and I got them all laid out on the table as people are entering the conference and and then Andrew got up and gave his State of the Union address and the basic message was internally for ecommerce feel that, you know, maybe 15% of them sold on Amazon and saw a value there. And that was about it. And I was completely deflated. Right? Probably a year later, I had that one of those first conversations with RJ from one on one-commerce. Do you ever talk with them? Back in the day when they started?
Tim Jordan 40:22
No, but I was aware of when they when they sold the gota. Yeah,
Joe Valley 40:27
my first conversation with RJ I basically told them, he’s crazy and full of it, it’s never gonna work. Turns out, I was right about one on one commerce because his plan was was to buy 101 FBA businesses in 24 months, and here’s the kicker, he was never going to log in to a single one of them. So number one, there weren’t that many FBA brands available back then a number two, the mistake that a lot of them are making is, as you said, they were buying low quality businesses, but they didn’t know how to operate them. They weren’t operators of that they figured if Tim could do it, I could do it too. Turns out that you’re a lot smarter than you think you are. And that there’s nuances here that has to be played upon in order to grow this business properly. I’m gonna throw a warning out because it’s coming to mind right now, because I want you to share this with FBA sellers as well as their selling direct. And the reason I all rolled my eyes when they said, Hey, we’re finally bringing value to these businesses. What they often say is just work directly with us avoid the broker fee, we pay all cash and close in 30 days. And there’s so many untruths to that statement. The warning I want to put out here, because I have you as an audience, and you’ve got a much bigger audience that quiet then Quiet Light does, with our little podcast here is that what’s happening with the aggregators. Now, they’re growing so fast, that they’re hiring people like crazy. And these people are just, it’s just a job to them. It’s not their passion anymore. It’s not like you’re operating your brand, and it’s your passion, it’s your baby, you’re gonna make sure you don’t screw up. It’s just a job for these people. And they’re learning. And two times in the last 12 months, one particular aggregator that I won’t name here anyway. First, they ran out of inventory. So they had they had a, an urn out situation, so they don’t pay all cash. So is there a situation this was, this was an electronics brand that was a hero SKU 70% here on SKU, but the deal that we had was that our clients must have you access to seller accounts, must have you access to seller accounts until all notes or notes are paid. And my client kept saying, Guys, you’re gonna run out inventory order, more inventory, order, more inventory, order more inventory, like Yeah, we got it, we got it, we got it. This is the brand manager. So my client got to like 94%, of hitting the revenue benchmark in order to get paid the earn out. And then three to four weeks before they got there, they ran out of inventory. And so the client didn’t get paid out. And that was $300,000. But we had a second benchmark in their and other clauses, they got paid. But the underlying the low level manager ran out of inventory. Second situation where it was a much smaller earnout. The, the manager sent the inventory to the wrong country. They sent it to a an island country, they sent it to Australia instead of the US. So you know, all the revenues was close. It was close, right? It’s, you know, it’s still English speaking, right? So I guess what’s that? What kind of UK to? Well, yes, there’s very many differences between meanings. But yeah, so always have a clause in the contract that says, if there’s an urn out seller note, stability, payment, anything like that, that if they run out of inventory, for any sort of unnatural reasons, right? disasters, pandemics, things of that nature, all bets are off, you owe the or not, you know, the seller, note yield is stability, payment and fault. So, tangent, totally long tangent there. Sorry about that. It’s a really important one to anybody listening, then though, you got it, you got to have that in there. Alright, so the future the future of e-commerce, we’re just at the beginning of it, it’s going to be huge. We’re changing the way that it’s been for, you know, 10,000 years. And the future is changing because of X firefighters. Learning what they’re really really good at and outsourcing the rest of it. Right?
Tim Jordan 44:50
Or just be guessing our way through all of it. Well, that’s how we all start. Right? It’s kind of like you fake it till you make it right. You fake
Joe Valley 44:56
it till you make it. It’s true and it does work. Just make sure you’re not harming people along the way. Still do good. Still help others? You know, you admitted it, you didn’t fake it with that steak dinner. I don’t know what I’m talking about. But I’d like to invite 10 of you who do to steak dinner and I’ll pay for it?
Tim Jordan 45:13
Well, I do think that the main message is like, yeah, maybe we’re all a little bit lucky to be landing here. But it’s not just luck in timeframe that we landed in this year and this opportunity. But we’re also lucky in that there’s so much opportunity in this space that we can find what we’re good at, stick with it. I know a lot of people that cannot run a business to save their life, but their product development ability is massive. There’s a million companies out there looking for a great product developer. There are people that are great educators. And there are people in this space looking for educators. There are great financial minds that don’t have a creative bone in their body, but they can partner with very creative entrepreneurs. Because this world of e-commerce is so wide open, and still looking for so many holes to be filled in so many brands to show up. And so many experts show up. Like we can pretty much pick what we want to do. And we can be wildly successful in this space because it is a brand new space. And you know, the world is looking for it. Now. When we look at COVID There was a lot of problems that happened to COVID. Right? We had supply chain issues. Now already are we moving to a global recession. But the other thing that happened, I can kind of explain with my father in law who’s an old grouch, and he hates the internet. He can’t stand it, never buy anything online, put my credit card in there. And when COVID happened, lockdowns happened. He needed to buy a headlight for his wife’s car, and he couldn’t go to the auto parts store. And I was talking to him one day says Did you know you can go to this site called eBay and buy a headlight for a car? I said, Are you serious? I’ve never heard of this. He said, he said I used to pay $14 A bowl, but I paid $9 for two bolts. And it showed up my house two days later, to Holy crap, Jack never heard of this. But now he only buys online. Right? So like it accelerated a demand that was kind of already there. It’s convinced people that like this is the real deal. Yeah, we’ve had some hiccups, but it’s also it’s also indoctrinated to this world and the like, yeah, hey, technology, mixed with good branding mixed with good products mixed with this entrepreneur hustle like we think about Amazon as a giant behemoth. But remember, the majority of sales on Amazon are from third party sellers. They’re from stay at home moms and guys work in a second job and firefighters that walk out the fire station and live live on Amazon. Right? Yeah, that’s pretty cool time to be here.
Joe Valley 47:28
I think I think the thing that my high school baseball coach used to tell me is applicable here, I wasn’t very good. But I worked my butt off. He said, Joe, the harder you work, the luckier you get. You are one lucky son of a bitch. Because I hustled I worked harder than everybody else. What you do is all of that, but not with your head down. I think in this world that we live in, you can’t just work hard with your head down. Because you might be as you said, working on the things that you actually are not very good at. But when your head is up and you’re talking to other folks, and it’s Oh, that’s interesting, then you might be better at branding or product development or PPC, there’s a place for you in this world. Because there’s so many different spokes in the wheel of e-commercerce. It’s not just you have to own a brand. There’s so many different things that you can do. So that’s awesome. We’re running short on time. I could talk for another hour. And we might but I want to ask you quickly. Walmart, I keep hearing this guy named norm and this guy named Tim talk about Walmart. What’s going on there? Do you think that Walmart is a place where FBA sellers should be looking at? Is it the next iteration of Fulfilled by Amazon? Or is it just that I happen to see all the ads come through at once for
Tim Jordan 48:45
I will say this, I don’t even like what you asked is this where FBA sellers should go to Walmart. I don’t even like identifying people as FBA sellers.
Joe Valley 48:53
If they didn’t get it, that’s all they do is sell their brand on Amazon. They’re still entrepreneurs, but they’re selling their channel is is Amazon.
Tim Jordan 49:03
I tell people all the time we have to stop being Amazon sellers. Right here. Yeah, their product sellers that sell on Amazon, like bigger. So Walmart is not just a hey, this is where you go from FBA. To here. It’s like if you’re a product seller, if you’re a seller of physical product, you should be looking at a lot of different places. Amazon’s magical for a lot of reasons, the infrastructure, the logistics, the marketing ability, the traffic. And when you look at number two, it’s Walmart and Walmart’s doing some crazy things right now I get to work directly with a lot of Walmart, leadership leadership, I think at how I have to politically correct say that said is politically correct. In ideating, how to create a better opportunity for third party sellers. Right. So kind of a little bit of an advisory role. And the things that I see them doing in the background are game changing, and it’s awesome. I’m not gonna say that Walmart’s ever gonna be bigger than Amazon. I’m gonna say one is better than the other. Remember, eBay used to be the biggest now nobody talks matter. So if you’re going to invest in more opportunities for the reasons that we love marketplaces, definitely start paying attention to Walmart. Also pay attention to DTC, right when when it’s time whether it’s Shopify site, whatever it is, think about omni channel, think about going wide and not always just going deep. And remember that the more real estate you can take up, the more your business is going to be valued at. No question.
Joe Valley 50:23
And if you’re multichannel, and you can manage it well and still be happy, don’t do
Tim Jordan 50:29
it too early, don’t get that shiny object syndrome.
Joe Valley 50:31
I talked to a guy that his businesses, I think he launched it in September of last year. And he launched in the US and now he’s launched in Canada and the UK and Germany. And I’m like, you just launched it September, doesn’t it feel a little too early? And he’s added 15 New skews on it? Okay. Yeah, my point is not that. But if you have multiple channels of revenue on and off, third party platform sellers, your business is going to be more valuable. It used to be 10 that I could say easily if you’ve got a Shopify Shopify store versus if you if you sell on Shopify versus you. It’s not even selling a Shopify, I’m waiting for you to correct me. But or if you’re using the Amazon platform that you’re gonna get 20% more because of the aggregators and people opening their eyes to the value of these sellers that are these these entrepreneurs that are using Amazon as their primary source of revenue. The values have come up quite a bit more, but I don’t think it’s going to last there’s been a bit of a frenzy. I think that going beyond that one. Platform is the most important thing. And I think, you know, I keep keep seeing the Walmart stuff. And I think owning the customer is always the most valuable place to go. Let’s talk about some of the things that you’re doing today, though, you’ve got what you and I have talked about Quiet Light, sponsoring the trip that you are normally doing in Mexico, your hosted ANP and podcast, and you’ve got private private label, Legion. Can we hit on all three of those before we
Tim Jordan 52:06
wrap up for the day? Yeah, so Private Label Legion is just a content community. We even had a paid mastermind that we’re canceling, right, we’re gonna make everything free. We’re just trying to put out the best content from the best thought leaders in the space norm and I norm for our and I are partners on that. We’re collaborating with Amy wese, and a bunch of other people in this space to do the Mexico trip. Extra trips coming up June. It is a sourcing trip similar to what I’ve done in China. And norm and Amy have done in China for many, many years, that I’ve also done in Latin America, starting several years back. And we’re taking a bunch of people to Mexico on all inclusive trip to teach them how to sell or how to buy in Mexico data source and Mexico. We have some of the best thought leaders in Mexico coming to train. As part of that. We are launching the first of its kind trade show in Mexico City for small and medium sized manufacturers to sell to small and medium sized businesses like us. So think of like at six ESD or Canton Fair in Mexico City.
Joe Valley 53:01
Yeah, so we’re not you know, if I was a, you know, a brand owner, I may be able to source a it’s it’s sourcing manufacturers from Mexico as opposed to or South America, as opposed to China explicitly, right?
Tim Jordan 53:12
Correct. So we’re bringing in some of the best manufacturers that are coming in to centrally do a trade show in Mexico City. And if you’re a brand owner, you can come down it’s So evolution Latin America is kind of short version that evolatam. Or if you want to come down and spend multiple days with us is, in addition to the trade show for this very limited workshop with some amazing people, that’s And it’s gonna be good Mexico is gonna be a lot of fun. I still host the AM/PM Podcast, which I took over about two years ago for Manny Coates, one of the most successful in long running podcasts in the space. I do all of my behind the scenes consulting for service based companies, agencies, things like that. I collaborate with a lot of people collaborate with a lot of do a lot of content, like case studies and search with some other larger audiences. I’ll say that, that I come and help pitch in on so it’s a lot going on. But it’s a lot of fun.
Joe Valley 54:04
It’s a lot going on and your father of three as well all at the same time. So pretty, pretty exciting time in your life as a father and as an entrepreneur, Tim, if people want to reach out to you if they want to connect, what is the best approach? How should they find you?
Tim Jordan 54:18
Probably the best way is to connect with me on LinkedIn because my Facebook’s for or go to or the, which is a link to the Facebook group, private label legion. We keep most people out of that it’s very cleaned up we probably deny 70% of the people that want to be in that group just because we want real engaged folks and we have some of the best engagement of any Facebook group in the e-commerce space. So you can find that again Private Label Legion on Facebook or go to the and it’ll link to there directly.
Joe Valley 54:47
I love it. This has been awesome. Thanks for spending an hour of your day with me. I appreciate it. I know there’s not a lot of payment from me compared to what ping pong and some of the others are paying you I appreciate it.
Tim Jordan 54:58
Well Ping Pong is old. I dropped them like a bad habit. So that was probably rude to say, wasn’t it? But that’s alright.
Joe Valley 55:05
They will they got you into the space you help them, they help you they helped
Tim Jordan 55:09
me understand the consulting thing, which has been a lot of fun. So I do appreciate that.
Joe Valley 55:12
And where are you where your talents really live. So, congrats. Unfortunately, as you know, I’ve got a personal conflict. I won’t be at the Mexico Chip, I really wanted to go but we’ll have a team down there. So anybody listening that wants to learn how to source in Mexico and then go over to Cancun and spend some time with these guys as well. I highly recommend it. And tune into the AM/PM Podcast and let’s take a look at the Private Label Legion. I think you guys get a lot of benefit there. Tim Jordan, thanks for your time, and I really appreciate it. All right, thank you.
Outro 55:45
Today’s podcast was produced by Rise25 And the Quiet Light content team. If you have a suggestion for a future podcast, subject or guest, email us at [email protected] Be sure to follow us on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, and subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcasts. Thanks for listening. We’ll see you next week.