12 Year Old Social Media Management Subscription Business | Loyal Customers | Transferable Team







Asking Price: $1,100,000

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Launched in 2012, this low-cost, high-quality social media management service was acquired by the seller a little over a year ago. Originally, he envisioned rolling this service into his competing service in the same industry. Over the last year, he has streamlined the operation but has decided not to roll it into his existing brand. He has decided to sell this business to focus on his main gig. The seller is not able to sign a non-compete for this deal because he is already operating another business in the same industry.

This business presents a buyer with the opportunity to buy an established, 12-year-old, subscription-based business and scale in an industry with massive potential. The seller has turned the dials to make improvements at a very high level but literally spends zero hours on the business on a day-to-day/week-to-week basis. This business needs a buyer who has the headspace and capacity to focus and actively manage the day-to-day operation.

The seller has focused on several differentiators to stay ahead of the competition. First, they offer higher-quality deliverables. Second, their service provides an exceptional value at a lower price point than others. Third, the subscription is highly flexible and allows customers to customize their packages, selecting only the services they want. Fourth, they offer additional services like short-form videos and SEO blog posts. Finally, the pricing is completely transparent with no hidden fees.

The business operates using a group of 10 independent contractors. There is an operations manager who oversees daily operations and customer support. This team is fully transferrable to a new owner, so you can focus on growing the business.

The seller saw an opportunity to take a long-standing existing brand, make some improvements to it, and then sell it. He has accomplished his goal of acquiring and improving the brand and is now ready to sell.

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Meet Your Advisor

Brad Wayland

Brad Wayland

Brad Wayland is an entrepreneur who began working in the online space in 2003.  He spent over a decade in the custom printing industry where he bootstrapped a business to millions in sales and over 100 employees.  While honing his SEO skills in the print industry he spent much of his time learning other aspects of the web from traditional ecommerce, to affiliate marketing, to content.  Eventually his love for content businesses led him to being a serial acquirer and he ended up on the buy side 26 times.  A majority of his acquisitions were part of a rollup strategy he was pursuing.  In 2015 he sold his content portfolio to private equity.  Brad has experienced 4 successful exits from businesses he owned and operated.  Brad joined the Quiet Light team in 2017 and has represented more than 80 successful transactions.

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