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36 Reasons Buyers Say “No” To Buying An Online Business
By Quiet Light
No one wants to hear “no” to buying an online business, but when it comes to maximizing the value of that business, knowing why buyers say “no” can be absolutely invaluable. By simply listening to the reasons buyers reject an acquisition, you can modify your business to eliminate as many of the common problem areas as possible.
Of course, not every reason a buyer says “no” is reasonable, and some buyers will look for attributes in a company that you simply can’t replicate.
In the infographic shown below, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of 36 reasons buyers have passed on acquisitions we’ve represented. Since some reasons may be outside of your control, we’ve divided these up into three categories: things you can control, things somewhat in your control, and things outside of your control.
Did we miss any reasons? Do you agree with the list below? Let us know.
Reasons Why A Buyer Will Say “No” To Buying Your Business
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